
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Keep Your Car Like New

How To Keep Your Car Like New

By: Heather Kovach

Want to make sure you can pass down your car to a younger generation? Maybe you know your car will be collectable in the future, or maybe you just dont want to worry about the hassles of haveing to buy a new car. your Maryland tire dealer has a few tips to keep your baby purring like new.
  • Cut down the amount of short trips you make, beleive it or not its the short trips that effect your engine the most. cutting down on trips will also cut down on gas, give you an excuse to walk, bike etc and is good for the enviroment
  •  Follow the maintaince guide in your owners manual, it was put there for a reason!

  • Park in the Garage. harsh weather conditions can greatly effect the your automobiles life expectancy 

  • Drive with some sense. You are not the boy wonder speed racer, if you want to keep your car avoid hard breaking and full throttle acceleration

these small tips can save you alot of money, getting a new car is never cheap! so take the time out of your day to give your car the TLC it deserves.

-Your Fact Filled friends at Maryland Tire Depot -

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