
Friday, September 13, 2013

The Future Of Tires?

The Future of Tires?

The Military started using airless tires awhile ago, but will you be able to get a set of your very own airless tires? Some company's are preparing for it but I cant help but get a feeling that no, us civilians will not be able to obtain these tires, if we can it will be for a hefty price. These tires could cause a huge economic downfall. The benefits sound great but the reality is that these tires would most likely put thousands out of work and close down many company's, If these tires are really as indestructible as they are made to sound, then, yes we will be helping the planet as they are 100% recyclable and take less resources to make, but what will happen to the business that already struggles when a new tire that can never puncture goes on the market. Factory workers, retailers, and more could be put out of work.

Is Reinventing the wheel this time around really such a great Idea.

For all you tire buying needs remember Maryland Tire Depot

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Keep Your Car Like New

How To Keep Your Car Like New

By: Heather Kovach

Want to make sure you can pass down your car to a younger generation? Maybe you know your car will be collectable in the future, or maybe you just dont want to worry about the hassles of haveing to buy a new car. your Maryland tire dealer has a few tips to keep your baby purring like new.
  • Cut down the amount of short trips you make, beleive it or not its the short trips that effect your engine the most. cutting down on trips will also cut down on gas, give you an excuse to walk, bike etc and is good for the enviroment
  •  Follow the maintaince guide in your owners manual, it was put there for a reason!

  • Park in the Garage. harsh weather conditions can greatly effect the your automobiles life expectancy 

  • Drive with some sense. You are not the boy wonder speed racer, if you want to keep your car avoid hard breaking and full throttle acceleration

these small tips can save you alot of money, getting a new car is never cheap! so take the time out of your day to give your car the TLC it deserves.

-Your Fact Filled friends at Maryland Tire Depot -

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Keep Tires Cool In Summer

Keep Tires Cool In Summer

By: Heather Kovach
Heat effects alot of this. It affects our electric bills, the clothes we wear, and cause drought like conditions. But can it affect your tires? So we all heard a million times in school, that friction causes heat, and obviously rubber rubbing road definately causes friction. normally this has no damaging affect on the tire but when temperature increases it can put your tires in a bad pardicament.

There are ways you can protect your tires from extereme heat, 

*Keep your tires properly inflated!
*Check your tire pressure in the morning, when your tires are their coolest.
*Check for slow leaks and punctures
*Get or check out your cars TPMS system

these small tips can save you alot of money, getting new tires is never cheap! so take the time out of your day to check your tires for weak points before those weak points leave you stranded.

-Your Fact Filled friends at Maryland Tire Depot -

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

History Of The Tire (More Interesting Then You Think

 History Of  The Tire
(More Interesting Then You Think)

By: Heather Kovach
With everything being made over sea's today its nice to see some good old American products.

3,000 years ago in Central America where our tale first starts, was a tree referred to as the "crying tree". This tree produced Latex that the natives used for clothing and crafts. Once Europe discovered the new world a chemist named Charles Macintosh became fascinated with Ideas of how to used this product. They created a substances called Macintosh (named after its creator). The only problem with the substance was it was still to breakable, and tore easy. Creating the first successful tire was along way away, but with the Macintosh they produced some elastic belts, gloves, shoes, nothing to different then the natives of central America. Charles Macintosh, knowing this discovery would one day change the world tried to hide how he created the substance until in 1837 he was forced to patent it.

The next step in history was made by Charles Goodyear. Goodyear's Forge workhouse had failed during 1828-1829 because of the depression, he was desperate for a solution and soon found it. Goodyear used sulphur combined with the latex to vulcanize the rubber. He patented his creation in 1842, but it wasn't until the following year that it really took off. this lead to a gold rush like explosion in Brazil where the plant was abundant.

It wasn't until 1911 that the first successful tire was created. Phillip Strauss combined the tire and air filled inner tubes, creating a sensation in the automotive world, tires had been created before then, but held a short life and was no where near impressive.

America has a proud history of innovations like the tire, though within the last few decades we've stopped producing goods and started importing them instead. this has had its consequences. So support your small business owners for a brighter tomorrow, and remember to buy Products marked USA.

-Your Patriotic friends at Maryland Tire House -