Why Its So Important To Dispose Of Tires Properly
By: Heather Kovach
So you see a tire on the side of the road, its no big deal in the greater scheme of things, right? or is it. The illegal dumping of tires have become a big problem. they are not only unsightly but can case a lot more harm then just environmental issue. What if I told you a scrap tire is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, snakes and vectors. is your skin crawling yet? With the rise of the west nile virus being apparent you can see why this is very important. And those dumped tires also cost you, the taxpayers, money to clean up. it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each year alone.
If that doesn't convince you, then lets talk about the toxic consequences. When a tire breaks down, it releases hazardous chemicals. Tires contain oils that contaminate soil. they are full of heavy metals such as lead and as we've all seen lead can cause many problems when it comes to your health and well being.
Another major issues is the fire risk. tires are actually more often then not used in fuel generation because they burn so well. but because the fire is so hard to put out and the toxic chemicals put out into the air from the smoke it can cause any number of health issue.
point blank give your tires a second chance at life, as playground equipment or fuel, but don't leave them laying around, that's very uncool.
-Your tree hugging friends at Maryland Tire Depot -
If that doesn't convince you, then lets talk about the toxic consequences. When a tire breaks down, it releases hazardous chemicals. Tires contain oils that contaminate soil. they are full of heavy metals such as lead and as we've all seen lead can cause many problems when it comes to your health and well being.
Another major issues is the fire risk. tires are actually more often then not used in fuel generation because they burn so well. but because the fire is so hard to put out and the toxic chemicals put out into the air from the smoke it can cause any number of health issue.
point blank give your tires a second chance at life, as playground equipment or fuel, but don't leave them laying around, that's very uncool.
-Your tree hugging friends at Maryland Tire Depot -