
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Its So Important To Dispose Of Tires Properly

 Why Its So Important To Dispose Of Tires Properly

By: Heather Kovach

So you see a tire on the side of the road, its no big deal in the greater scheme of things, right? or is it. The illegal dumping of tires have become a big problem. they are not only unsightly but can case a lot more harm then just environmental issue. What if I told you a scrap tire is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, snakes and vectors. is your skin crawling yet? With the rise of the west nile virus being apparent you can see why this is very important. And those dumped tires also cost you, the taxpayers, money to clean up. it can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars each year alone.

If that doesn't convince you, then lets talk about the toxic consequences. When a tire breaks down, it releases hazardous chemicals. Tires contain oils that contaminate soil. they are full of heavy metals such as lead and as we've all seen lead can cause many problems when it comes to your health and well being.

Another major issues is the fire risk. tires are actually more often then not used in fuel generation because they burn so well. but because the fire is so hard to put out and the toxic chemicals put out into the air from the smoke it can cause any number of health issue.

point blank give your tires a second chance at life, as playground equipment or fuel, but don't leave them laying around, that's very uncool.

-Your tree hugging friends at Maryland Tire Depot -

Friday, August 30, 2013

Protect Your Car From Theft


Protect Your Car From Theft

By: Heather Kovach

    Parking your car has never been so stressful. With the Economy suffering, and crime on the rise your pricey car can be violated and stripped for there parts by thieves. Most parts are safe and hold little value but a few parts are worth quite a bit and can be sold to scrappers or pawn shops. Your beloved entertainment system can become a target with them ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. There are some ways to protect your system. If you have to park  in a not so great neighborhood, look out for video cameras. Let big brother watch your car for you, he's great at catching the crook red handed. Of course an alarm is also highly recommended but only stops amateurs, and you might also consider registering your entertainment systems serial number with an Anti Theft Watch Site.

Afraid your new tires might get replaced with concrete blocks? Locking lugs can help deter most criminals but the best way to insure your tires well being is to park them in a garage if possible. Locking Lugs will stop rookies but are not so hard for professional crooks to figure out. For those who own the Honda Fit be especially careful. the rims are prized for car modifications and are often targeted.

Emblems on cars also tend to be stolen, and can cost a pretty penny to replace. make sure you have your dealership seal it with a high strength epoxy to protect it from scoundrels.

Catalytic converters help strip out carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. It contains Precious Metals, the metals fetch a high price in scrap yards. Its a good Idea to make your converter Identifiable by engraving your plate numbers on it. You can also go to your local shop and have them reinforce it for you.

A used car batteries street value is only about 20 bucks. but its easy to remove and takes little time to steal. A good idea to keep your battery safe is to install a hood lock and have it reinforced

Air bags are essential to safety and after theft, replacement can run you a few thousand dollars. Do yourself and wallet a favor and buy a steering wheel lock.

I just learned about this recently. apparently thieves target tailgates. A tailgate can sell for between $1000 and $4000 dollars. So make sure to keep them locked, and your vehicle identification numbers are etched on it. There are also some products on the market to help secure it from sticky fingers.

So keep the the criminals at bay. Protect your car, and it will take you far.

Your Friends at Maryland Tire Depot

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips On Buying Used Tires

Tips On Buying Used Tires

By: Heather Kovach

Ever Been strapped for cash, but had a flat you couldn't patch? Why not buy a used tire? If you have money for a new set of tires, I'd suggest investing in some New Ones. But for most of us in the middle of this recession, our pocket books could use a little break, and we might opt for a more temporary fix. Some tips for picking used tires.

  • Look For Prior Repairs: 
When looking for lightly used tires there are a few warning signs you should see if the tire is to old, or used. Do you see bubbles forming on the surface? Is the wear Uneven? things like this can dramatically reduce the life of the tire. Make sure to also check the inner sides for excessive wear.

  • Are The Side Walls In Good Condition?
Side walls take a lot more damage then we think. Our cars are often subjected to the scrapping of curbs or rolling over unexpected obstacles. again this can dramatically reduce the life of your tires and needs to be examined.

  • Bring A Penny:
Why you may ask? A penny can be a useful tool when determining the tread of a tire. If Lincolns head is obscured by the tread when you fit the coin head down into the groove then your well on your way to finding a new lightly used tire.

  • Balance and Align the Used tire:
Your used tire will last alot longer

  • Compare Prices Of New & Used Tires:
Sometimes its worth the extra cash to just buy new tires.

  Maryland Tire Depot offers a wide range of Used Tires in many sizes. Remember Us for your used tire needs.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Creative Ways To Use Your Used Tires


Creative Ways To Recycle Your Used Tires

By: Heather Kovach

Tire disposal is very important. We at desided to give tips and tricks for eco freiendly uses for used tires. There are many ways to give your tires a second chance. Are you a Gardener? A tire can be used to make raised beds for growing veggies. Maybe you have children? A tire can provide hours of entertainment as a sandbox or a tire swing. I've even seen them turned into beautiful Patio furniture. In conclusion, we are all responiable for keeping our community eco friendly, So be clean, green and creative. If you dont have any used tires but want to create your own eco friendly project Maryland Tire Depot offers a wide range of Used Tires in many sizes. 

Instructions for these Projects are linked above